Beautiful pics of Helene Fischer and Claudia Wells feet & legs

Katy Perry beating Taylor Swift for the title of Forbes most-paid artist in 2018 might appeal to those who love lower-end pop. Further down Forbes' listing of 10, where the intrigue is real and there is a possibility of an opponent. In the 8th spot, just behind Rihanna and ahead of both Celine Dion, and Britney Spears is Helene Fischer. Who? It's the German-Russian actress who has a very tight lip. She would like to be as a woman who is a part of everyone. Butter is her favorite, however interviewing in depth only shows that her husband is the German TV personality with her face tattooed on his arm. In bland biographical terms Fischer 34 is one of the stars from Germanys Schlager scene a sound that has two different directions. It's like a bierhalle oompah, which is influenced by booze-babes, the Bundesrepublik and many other issues. Fischer represents its foe the faithful woman who's heart beats faster and breathe stops when she thinks of her beloved man who plays on her femininity to inspire his protective instincts. Schlager was an emo response to the vulgar west pop that infiltrated Germany post-war. Its themes are traditional. It endures thanks to its immense popularity among babies boomers and beyond who are well served by the endless specials on TV from Fischer presents one every Christmas with a dramatic all-star spectacle which makes Jools Annual Hootenanny appear like channel 4s The Club X. In its down-home sensibilities Schlager is the country music's the spiritual twin of Country music and Fischer has given it an aggressive synth-pop update as if she were the German Taylor Swift. Swifts pop-evolution has made her cool. But it's hard to determine how much public likes Fischers completely awful music.

Claudia Wells is a famous American actress. Although she was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Wells grew up mostly living in San Francisco CA. Wells gained fame due to her role in the film Back to the Future (1985) as Jennifer Parker Marty McFly's lover. Additionally, in 1985 Wells co starred on Stop the Madness an anti drug music video sponsored by the Reagan administration featuring several famous performers as well as athletes. Following that the film, she appeared on TV in the show Babies Having Babies. The program Fast Times was a TV version to Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Claudia put off her acting career despite her great success in the industry of entertainment. The mother of her child was later diagnosed as having cancer. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called Claudia is currently credited with more than fifty credits for film TV as well as the stage. Her real career path is yet to come when she hopes to take on tough, slick and surprising roles. Claudia Wells is a fine male clothing store called Armani Wells. You can discover more information by going to the website

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